Well this has been a brilliant month for Devices. Spiel 2019 saw our new batch get gobbled up very quickly. Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased a copy. This helps us invest in the next generation of games, bringing improvements.
Devices is an unusual game on many levels. Not only is it a computational cube pushing extravaganza it is a work in progress. Since it is based on on simple programming logic, we decided to treat the game like a software product that gets released as a beta.
We have developed Devices without any major funding except our own investment and that of our customers. The support is fantastic. We are now on our second generation of games.
Since it is a beta we have found a few mistakes in the cards. These were spotted by a couple of our latest customers who themselves were game demonstrators. So we though it was a good idea to let everyone else know who has version 1.7 and 1.8. We think it is just 1.8 users that will need to make the correction. So on to the fix…
The following cards need minor adjustments. They are core component cards and can be easily adjusted by making the following changes on the cards in the image below:
We love hearing from Device players so drop us a line if you have any questions. We are looking to develop a booklet explaining each card. That will be our next Devices development item. We will then make that available for free to download from our website.
Eventually Devices will go Gold (another software developer term) and we will be selling vanilla copies online and through chosen retailers. For the moment we will continue to make small craft batches and enjoy having fun with our fellow Device heads out there!
Many thanks for your support.