The Lair was a comic I developed a few years back. It came about from working on a short animation with LoveLove Films for a festival run by the Horror Channel. I subsequently took the story and developed it into a comic / graphic novel. Becuase we developed both an animation and a comic I thought it would be great if we could somehow merge the two. So we came up with the idea of using Augmented Reality.
AR is nothing new to you all now, but it was new when we started out on this idea. Our sister company Blue Donut Studios developed two apps. One with Zappar AR and the other our own which is now being developed for another comic book project that is being worked on at the moment.
The story of the Lair is of a soldier. During the second world war who is escaping the horrors of the conflict in eastern europe. We follow his journey running from soldiers. Leaping off a cliff and into dark waters, he then rescues a girl drowning. Helping her to the shore on the other side of a river we find out that neither of them are what they seem.
The book is available to buy direct online through us. It is on Comixology but you can’t beat print! The app is free.

The Lair – AR Comic £5.00 – FREE UK SHIPPING
Use the Free Zappar App to activate the AR content. You can download the app from Google or Apple.